Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Torn Heart

My world shattered.
Dreams crushed.
Left alone forever

' I love you' you tell me
That's what you say.
But when your hands hit me
I don't feel this way.

' Don't tell anyone' is what you say
All I can do is bow my head in shame and
turn the other way.

I'm better with you gone.
I have never felt so strong.
I did the right thing even though
my heart is still


  1. damn i thought you and ramon were a loving couple. jk

  2. I really liked your poem because it has rhyming in it, and i like rhyming poems. Also i liked that you wrote about your Feelings/Love because most people are afraid to write about how they feel, and about their life except for William Shakespeare.
    I also thought you put alot of thoughts and effort into your work.
