Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Research: Topic #1 (homosexuality)

      To be homosexual has always been a sstruggle for society to comprehend. From 1942 to 1973, The American Psychiatric Association declared that Homosexuality as a mental disease. 37% of the members of The American Psychiatric Association  voted to RECLASSIFY homosexuality as a disease, in November of 1997, all 50 denied homosexual men and women the right to get married. This just shows how easy it is for people are afraid of simple change or differences in society.

     In school as much as its pushed in the rug, bullying is everywhere. People are bullied because of their height, weight, race, and sexual orientation. Its more likely for students in school who are homosexual or homosexual are for more likely to attempt suicide because they have been bullied to an extent that they simply cannot stand anymore. How far is too far when someone is pushed to end their own life because you cant live life being yourself anymore?

1 comment:

  1. There are some interesting statistics here; where did they come from? Make sure you quote and cite sources. Work on writing more focused and fully-developed paragraphs. Elaborate on your ideas.
